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Before Buy Yellow Sapphire Gemstone ( पुखराज रत्न ) to Know More

Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is a variety of Sapphire which is derived from natural mineral species called corundum. Yellow color develops due to the presence of iron traces. The Colour of the Yellow Sapphires ranges from light yellow to orangish-yellow. Good quality sapphires are stable(do not fade) when exposed to light or heated and this method is often used to gauge the quality of the Pukhraj. Astrologically speaking, Pukhraj is the gemstone that is ruled by the planet Jupiter. In Hindi, these are called ‘Pukhraj’.

Sapphires originating from Srilanka are said to be of the best quality. Pukhraj reserves also exist in Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Thailand.

Vedic Rashi: Sagittarius and Pisces

Who should wear Yellow Sapphire

People who are suffering from problems associated with education, career, marriage, and children are advised to wear Yellow Sapphire Gemstone. This stone are also suitable for people facing financial hardships. People who have weak Jupiter in their Kundli are often recommended by astrologers to wear this stone.

Benefits of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Pukhraj stone is a very strong gemstone. It is very beneficial in building self-confidence and bringing mental/emotional stability in a person. It enhances the wisdom of a person and converts the person to a more stable and mentally strong. It benefits a person in higher studies and brings success in professional life.

How to wear Yellow Sapphire Gemstone?

Pukhraj stone should be worn in gold. A night before wearing, the ring is to be dipped in holy ‘Gangajal’. Then in the morning, the ring is to be purified and activated by chanting the Guru mantra as given below 108 times:-

“OM gram graeme grom sa gurveh namah “

Day and time to wear: Any Thursday of Shukla paksha in the morning between 5 am to 7 am.

Finger: Index finger of working hand

Price Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Yellow Sapphires are not very expensive gemstones. Price varies depending on its quality depending on colour, clarity, cut and source (natural or treated). The prices can range between Rs 2000/- to Rs 50,000/- per carat. The Srilankan pukhraj is the best choice as per quality.


1. Which origin of Yellow Sapphire is better for astrological results?

Yellow Sapphires of Srilankan origin are a good choice.

2. When choosing Yellow Sapphire, what should I value more – color or clarity or origin?

While choosing Yellow Sapphire, the color and clarity of the gemstone are the important selection criteria that must be considered. There are Pukhrajj stone that change color when treated with heat or exposed to light. Naturally occurring stone with fine and bright yellow color is the best choice.

3. On which finger can I wear Yellow Sapphire Gemstone?

As per Vedic astrology, the Pukhraj ring should be worn on the index finger of the working hand for the best astrological results.

4. Is it important to consider the type of cut of Yellow sapphire?

Yellow sapphires which are bright yellow in color are of good quality. The well-cut sapphire would enhance its brightness to some extent even of a sapphire that is of lower quality as per color.

5. What should be the minimum weight of Yellow sapphire for astrology?

It should be a minimum of 3 to 4 carat or as prescribed by the astrologer.

Quality of Original Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Following are the suggested features by ratanrashi that one should consider while buying Yellow Sapphire Gemstone:-


Srilankan yellow sapphires gemstone are the best and as a second choice, Bangkok and Madagascar Pukhraj are also good both for astrological and ornamental needs.


Bright and pure yellow-colored yellow sapphires gems are considered the best if their color does not fade away.


Natural Gemstones do not exist in complete clear forms. Inclusions are always there and yellow sapphires with thin and fine inclusions are good to be bought.

पुखराज रत्न -  More Information

If you've been unsure about the healing powers of yellow sapphire gemstone, keep reading! In this article, you'll learn the details about this gemstone, as well as its uses. This gem can help you find balance in your life and bring good luck. It can help you overcome your emotional problems and bring you good luck in your love life. You can also use it to attract the girl of your dreams and to treat your bodily actions.

If you're a Leo native, Natural yellow sapphire stone can improve your wealth and career prospects. It can also help you make useful decisions, as well as become more intelligent and wiser. The gemstone can be beneficial for your planetary alignment, especially when worn with another gem such as red coral, which is the lord of Mars. Wearing a yellow sapphire ring can also bring you a beautiful house and a supportive group of friends.

It can protect you from negative effects of other planets in your horoscope. As a yellow sapphire stone associated with Jupiter, it will nullify any negative energy of other planets. Moreover, this gemstone will bring you happiness and a peaceful marriage. But be sure to check with an astrologer or knowledgeable gemologist to make sure that you're choosing the right gemstone for your personality.

Wearing an Original yellow sapphire stone in a ring will bring you good fortune, as well as help you make wise decisions. In addition to making you happy, Red Pukhraj Stone will also help you improve your decision-making abilities and become more focused on your goals. And if you're a spiritual person, this stone is also useful for your health and spiritual growth. It is an excellent choice for any occasion.

As far as Original yellow sapphire gemstone go, they are valued for their color and transparency. Although it's not possible to obtain a flawless stone, a clear pukhraj will fetch you a higher price. Moreover, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you're purchasing a finely-crafted gemstone with excellent color and clarity. So, what should you look for in a pukhraj stone?

Another important property of this stone is its healing properties. It is believed that it can help heal throat, mouth, lung, and kidney ailments. It boosts energy and vitality. People who wear a yellow sapphire ring will experience reduced anger. It can also be beneficial for businesspeople as it can increase their salary. The positive effects of this ratna on the mind will make them more successful in business and in life.

Wearing an original yellow pukhraj stone will help you achieve success in life and attract love and success. this stone is also believed to bring happiness and an early marriage. Astrologers believe that it will protect against bad spirits and protect those who suffer loss of property. It's also good for the heart, and is said to improve concentration. So, consider wearing a yellow sapphire ring for luck and protection.

What is Yellow Sapphire Gemstone?

If you're interested in purchasing a yellow sapphire gemstone, you've come to the right place. This article will introduce you to this canary-hued variety from the family of corundum minerals. This cold gem has a crystalline structure and is considered a stone of influence, insight, and imaginative thought.

It is a canary-hued variety from the Corundum mineral family

Pukhraj ratna range from a light to medium yellow. The Canary Yellow variety is more yellow than orange, while the Yellowish-Orange variety has a yellow-to-orange hue. These stones are sourced from various regions, including the Himalayan regions, Thailand, Myanmar, India, and Tasmania.

Sapphire stones are commonly treated to enhance their color and transparency. The pukhraj ratna can be treated using traditional heating methods, such as fire, or by using complex furnaces. This method is permanent and doesn't require special care once the treatment is complete. However, newer methods of treatment are controversial, and include adding foreign elements to enhance the stone's appearance.

It is a cold gem

The sapphire gemstone is very powerful and can improve the way you make decisions. It is also a good choice for students and creative professionals. It is also considered an excellent choice for marriage, bringing harmony and agreement in relationships. It removes friction and melancholy and improves vision.

Sapphire is a cold gem, which means that its color can be very sensitive to it. This stone is best matched with cool colors and neutral tones. Since this gem is sensitive to warm colors, it is difficult to find a deep yellow stone without being heat-treated. In fact, it is a good idea to get a gem lab report to ensure the authenticity of your purchase.


It has a crystalline structure

A crystalline structure describes the composition of an unheated sapphire. It contains chromium and iron, with low levels of both. As a result, it exhibits a nearly continuous spectrum, although a faint line near 450nm can be seen if the gem is o-ray polarized. As the iron content increases, three spectral lines become visible, one merging with the other at 460nm and the third line, at 470nm.


The crystalline structure of a gem determines its color and clarity. Generally, gems have two to seven symmetry systems, based on the number of planes of symmetry. Yellow sapphire has a trigonal crystalline structure, which means that it has four parallel axes. It also has inclusions that are directionally arranged.


It is a stone of insight, information, influence, imaginative thoughts

The yellow sapphire gemstone is a powerful stone for all those who want to gain insight, information, and influence in their life. It can assist a person in making right decisions and overcoming obstacles. It can also be used to strengthen communication and creative skills and to create a harmonious and loving relationship.


The yellow sapphire is a birthstone for people born in November and is considered a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. It is also connected to Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system and the lord of the astrological signs of Pisces and Sagittarius.


It clears, balances and re-energizes the Chakra

The yellow sapphire gemstone is said to balance the solar plexus chakra, which is located between the navel and ribcage. This chakra is associated with the will and intellect, as well as with self-discipline and confidence. By balancing this chakra, the yellow sapphire is said to promote joy, happiness, and a harmonious relationship.


The heart chakra is located at the center of the cardiovascular system and is closely linked to other organs. A blocked heart chakra can lead to breathing problems and high blood pressure. An open heart chakra allows us to open up and share our feelings with others. Similarly, the throat chakra is a chakra associated with Jupiter, the planet of justice and trust. The throat chakra corresponds to the thyroid gland and the throat area. It is associated with the ability to judge right and wrong, to express oneself, and to discern truth from lies.

Know more something about Pukhraj Ratan and pukhraj price at ratanrashi?

Pukhraj is the most important of the planets and holds the key to prosperity, wealth, wisdom, and healthy living. However, it is important to choose a pukhraj ratna with care and ensure that it is compatible with the chart and astrological sign. As stones are believed to influence our natural energy fields, wearing the wrong stone can have adverse effects. In addition, pukhraj ratna is a special stone, and there are several steps you must follow to ensure that you are wearing it in a correct manner.